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    Doctor Ketevan Kantaria

    Doctor Ketevan KantariaReproductologist

    Job Experience

    2016 until now Doctor Reproductologist, Gynecologist Clinic for IVF and Reproductive, “IN VITRO”

    2010-2016 Doctor Reproductologist, Gynecologist Reproductive Clinic of Zurab Sabakhtarashvili


    M.D.: Biotechnology of Human Reproduction and Embriology, 2015, University of Valencia-Valencia, Spain

    M.D.: Reproductive Medicine, 2009, Tbilisi State Medical University-Tbilisi, Georgia

    Doctor of Medicine, 2004, Tbilisi State Medical University-Tbilisi, Georgia


    19 th World Congress on IVF, 4-8 October, 2017,Antalya , Turkey- Oral presentation

    7th International IVI Congress, Reproductive Medicine and Beyond, 11-13 May,2017 Bilbao, Spain

    Reccurent Implantation Failure , Annual Conference in Reproductive Medicine , 21-22 April, 2017, Milan, Italy

    World Congress on Recurrent Pregnancy Loss, 14-17 January 2016,Cannes,France

    Making OHSS a complication of the past , ESHRE campus, 31 Oct -1Nov 2014,Thessaloniki,Greece

    Training at IVF and PGS, 5-9 May 2014, IVI Valencia, Spain

    Embryo Transfer & IUI Day, British Fertility Society, 12 June 2013, London, UK

    Updates is Infertility Treatment, 8-10 February 2012,Budapest, Hungary