Childless parents pass a long way before participation in the surrogacy program of the Stork Service center. It is extremely important to protect them from one more disappointment. For this purpose much attention is focused on the medical aspects. Both future surrogate mother and future biological parents undergo comprehensive examinations. In some circumstances, a married couple is consulted by an experienced geneticist, andrologist, and reproductologist.
Prevention of child’s hereditary diseases.
A surrogate mother does not have any kinship with a nurturing child, so hereditary diseases cannot be associated with her. That way everything depends only on biological parents or on donors of genetic material that they have chosen. Most of the married couples want to use their genetic material (sperm and ova) for IVF of surrogacy. However, if one or both spouses have severe genetic abnormalities, this option should be discarded.
Risks also increase because of the use of genetic material by women and men aged over 40 years old. Seeking a donor is a common practice. Parents should put the desire to give birth to a healthy baby as their top priority, not moments of personal insecurity. Minimizing the risk of developing hereditary pathologies is also possible due to pre-implantation genetic diagnosis. It is a question of examining the cell of the embryo before it is placed in the uterine cavity.
Minimizing risks during pregnancy.
Monitoring of surrogate mother’s pregnancy is carried out by experienced specialists in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Like any other pregnant woman, surmum undergoes examination according to the schedule. In the presence of the slightest risks, medicines are prescribed for stabilization.
The participation in the program of the individual curator, which controls the conditions of life of the surrogate mother, facilitates the pregnancy without nervousness. All surrogate mothers have their children; some of them have a not very stable financial situation. There is temptation to spend monetary compensation not on purpose. However, any deviations in the life and appearance of a woman become noticeable to the curator. Properly constructed relationships with surmums by the “Stork” center, contribute to good faith and responsibility on the part of women.