Head of embryology laboratory (Feb 2018 – today)
Next Generation Clinic, Saint Petersburg
⦁ leading a team of embryologists and technicians (10 employees)
⦁ controlling of more than 3000 IVF cycles per year
⦁ responsibility for cryobank of donor eggs and sperm
⦁ laboratory management
Leading embryologist (Mar 2015 – Feb 2018)
Next Generation Clinic, Saint Petersburg
⦁ performing full spectrum of IVF procedures
⦁ control of systems for cultivating embryos
⦁ providing mentorship to embryologist
⦁ planning, performing, and coordinating research activities
Embryologist (Jan 2009 – Feb 2015)
AVA-Peter Clinic, Saint Petersburg
⦁ performing full spectrum of IVF procedures
⦁ eggs and embryos cryopreservation
⦁ drafting SOPs and technical reports
⦁ planning, performing, and coordinating research activities
Research assistant (Feb 2007 – Nov 2008)
Laboratory of Hybridoma technology, Russian Research Center for Radiology and Surgical Technologies St.-Petersburg
⦁ characterization of monoclonal antibodies directed against secretory immunoglobulins
Master of science (Immunology) June2006 – November 2008
Saint-Petersburg State University
Bachelor of science (Biology) September 2002 – June 2006
Saint-Petersburg State University
IVF procedures:
⦁ sperm preparation and semen analysis
⦁ embryo transfer
⦁ biopsy of embryo (BB, TB)
⦁ cryopreservation of eggs, embryos and ovarian tissue
⦁ in vitro maturation of eggs
Research techniques:
⦁ ELISA, western blotting, ICC, ICH
⦁ recombinant protein production (mammalian cells), FPLC, immunoaffinity purification
⦁ cell culture (primary cells)
English – full working proficiency
Italian – limited working proficiency