What’s The Cost Of Surrogacy In Georgia?

Not every couple can start a family by having a pregnancy and celebrating the birth of a baby nine months later. Medical factors and other circumstances can sometimes make it inadvisable, or even impossible, to have a baby traditionally. Fortunately, surrogacy, where another woman agrees to become pregnant on behalf of a couple, and that…


The Surrogacy Laws In Georgia

While it’s normal for couples to decide the next phase of their life together should be starting a family, not every couple can easily take the conventional route of a woman allowing herself to become pregnant and giving birth to a baby several months later. Some issues, such as medical circumstances, make this choice challenging…


Surrogacy In Other Countries: What You Need To Know

Most couples that decide it’s time to start a family follow the conventional route of a woman allowing herself to become pregnant and giving birth to a baby nine months later. Unfortunately, not every couple can take this route easily, as obstacles, such as specific medical conditions, for example, make pregnancy too risky. Fortunately, surrogacy,…


How To Find A Surrogate Mother In Georgia

Couples who decide to commit to surrogacy as the way to start their family already know that they have a longer and more challenging road ahead of them compared to couples that follow the conventional path. Usually, they are overcoming some significant obstacle, with medical conditions being one of the most common. However, for some…


How Does Surrogacy Work? The Basics

Deciding to start a family is, for the majority of couples, a traditional and very conventional process. All it requires is the woman in the relationship to allow herself to become pregnant. Nine months later, an infant is born, and a new life can start together as a family. Unfortunately, not every couple can follow…
