Parenthood. For many, it’s a dream that feels out of reach. While some people seem to have no problem at all when it comes to having children, others struggle for various reasons. Whether it is a same-sex couple who want to have a child of their own or a straight couple who struggle with infertility issues, pregnancy, and a child seem unattainable.
That’s where surrogacy comes in. By turning to the surrogacy process, millions of couples around the world have finally become parents and taken the next steps in forming their family unit. Understanding how surrogacy works is important, and taking a closer look at it will help make it easier for you to learn more about whether or not it’s a great option for you.
The Two Main Types Of Surrogacy
First, it’s worth understanding that there are two main types of surrogacy. Which is the right choice for you largely depends upon your situation.
- Traditional Surrogacy – In this type of surrogacy, a surrogate mother is chosen and is artificially inseminated. The insemination occurs by using the sperm of the intended father or through an anonymous sperm donor. This type of surrogacy means that the surrogate mother and the father who donated the sperm are genetically related to the child.
- Gestational Surrogacy – A more complex type of surrogacy, gestational surrogacy occurs when an egg is removed from the intended mother and fertilized with the sperm of the intended father or a donor. Then, the fertilized egg is implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother. The child is then carried to term. In this type of surrogacy, the child is genetically related to the woman who donated the egg and the intended father with no genetic relationship between surrogate and child.
Again, your situation will determine which type of surrogacy is right for you. For instance, a straight couple with an intended mother who can’t create eggs may need an egg donor and traditional surrogacy. A lesbian couple may prefer for one mother to donate the egg and the other to carry the child. Gay men may choose which will donate sperm and then have the child carried by a surrogate.
All types of surrogacy are well worth considering and are highly effective ways of becoming a parent – the key is understanding which is the right one for you.
Things To Think About
Once you understand the medical side of the process of surrogacy, there are still plenty of other things that you’ll have to think about in order to ensure that you get the right results from it. Here are some things to keep in mind.
- The Surrogate – One of the more obvious considerations is who to use as a surrogate. In some cases one of the parents may be a candidate, while in others there must be an outside surrogate. This person must be healthy and must meet certain criteria to ensure the process goes properly – legally and medically.
- Donors – Will an egg need to be donated? Will sperm donors be needed? Which parent will handle the donation process needs to be decided as well. Donor considerations are just as important as choosing a surrogate in many cases.
- Legal Issues – There are a wide range of legalities that have to be considered when it comes to surrogacy. It’s important to move through the process in a way that protects parents and child and ensures that you legally become the parents of your child without any issues.
- International Considerations – For those using international surrogacy for whatever reason, new issues must be addressed. Citizenship questions, returning home, and more all must be managed properly in order to ensure that once the surrogacy has been completed, your family is able to go home together and be the family that you have always dreamed of.
As you can see, there are many things to think about when it comes to surrogacy. While it’s obviously exciting to be taking the steps towards becoming a parent, doing so carefully is a must in order to ensure that no unintended outcomes occur and that you are able to leave the process a proud, happy parent with a healthy child.
Help From The Professionals
Of course, many of the steps that you’ll need to consider can be eliminated when you turn to a professional surrogacy agency. The right agency will handle almost every aspect of surrogacy including:
- Finding a suitable IVF clinic
- Finding the right surrogate
- Finding donors if needed
- Guidance during the pregnancy
- Legal concerns including citizenship, returning home, birth certificates, and more
For those who are considering surrogacy, the process is exciting yet stressful in many ways. As such, trusting in a professional agency allows you to take much of the stress off your shoulders and simplify things completely, letting you focus on enjoying the anticipation of finally becoming a parent.