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    Surrogacy Debate: Pros & Cons

    The decision to start a family is often one of the most important decisions a couple can make. Having a child is not like going on vacation or even buying a home for the first time. This is an endeavor that will go on for decades, and, at the end of it, will result in…


    Pros & Cons Of Motherhood

    For many people throughout the world, life has a natural cycle with some major events that almost everyone is a party to at some point in their lives. Graduating from school, owning a home, and meeting someone that becomes a lifelong love and partner are all examples of this. Another is starting a family, but…


    Surrogate Motherhood Pros & Cons

    Many people follow the accepted path on the journey of life of meeting someone, falling in love, and ultimately deciding to start a family with that person. But not everyone can easily make it to that next step of starting a family. Some women have had life-threatening illnesses, and their lives were only saved with…


    Surrogacy In A Foreign Country? Pros & Cons

    Some couples may find themselves in the difficult situation of having the emotional commitment, and financial means to give birth to and support a child. However, they may have obstacles in the way of naturally becoming pregnant and giving birth to a child. Women who are older, for example, or those with heart conditions or…
