Pros Of Surrogacy: All The Benefits

There is no single pathway to parenthood. For those who may have faced challenges approaching parenthood the traditional way, surrogacy presents another option. The pros of surrogacy are numerous, and just some of them include: 

  • Infertility is no longer an obstacle – According to research carried out by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, around 9% of men and 11% of women of reproductive age in the United States struggle with infertility. Surrogacy provides an option aside from adoption for these couples or individuals who wish to become parents. 
  • A path to parenthood for same-sex couples – According to the United States Census Bureau, there are about 1.2 million same-sex couple households in the United States as of 2021. Same-sex couples looking to become parents don’t have the traditional conception route to go down, so they will look for alternatives that allow them to build the families they desire. Surrogacy is one simple option that can be used for any couple unable to conceive traditionally for any reason. 
  • Parents are raising their child from birth – Intended parents have the benefit of being able to raise their child from birth when they are in a surrogacy arrangement. Not only will they have their child from birth, but they’re also able to be involved in the pregnancy as well. This gives couples and individuals a path to parenthood that allows them to experience each step from conception to the moment their baby arrives home. 
  • Parents can build a bond with their surrogate – Intended parents can interview and select their surrogate mother if they choose this arrangement, allowing them to build a bond with their surrogate throughout the process. While surrogacy is a transactional arrangement, it’s one with more intimate and meaningful ties than most. 
  • The process is informed – The surrogacy process is an informed process, allowing for better control and peace of mind for intended parents. This can turn what may have been a stressful experience into a positive one. 

Pros And Cons Of Surrogacy 

No experience is solely about the pros. Knowing the pros and cons of surrogacy provides a more complete picture for intended parents looking toward surrogacy for any reason. A few of the cons of surrogacy may include: 

  • The surrogacy process can be medically complex – Gestational surrogacy is the most popular surrogacy arrangement type. For this type of surrogacy, the intended mother donates her eggs, the father donates sperm, and an embryo is created medically. This embryo is then implanted into the surrogate mother via invitro fertilization and gestation begins. For the intended parents, this may mean going through medical procedures and testing in order to extract the necessary materials to create the embryo. 
  • Surrogacy laws can be complicated – Surrogacy laws, particularly when international surrogacy is involved, can be complicated. For this reason, it’s important to seek out the help of a surrogacy clinic, particularly in international arrangements, instead of opting for a private surrogacy arrangement instead. Surrogacy clinics will know all of the laws associated with these arrangements and will be able to walk you through the process in a way that’s easy to understand. 
  • There are costs involved – Surrogacy does involve some cost. In some instances, intended parents are taking care of the surrogate mother throughout the duration of her pregnancy, as well as providing final compensation at the time of the birth. There are a number of processes involved in the conception of the embryo as well, all of which will come with their own costs. 
  • Intended parents do have to give up some control – While surrogacy provides more control than other options like adoption, intended parents do need to be okay with letting go of some control throughout the process. It’s important for parents-to-be to trust the surrogate mother they’ve chosen, and to allow her to do what is best for her body during the course of the pregnancy. This can cause some intended parents a certain level of stress knowing that their child is growing within another body and they may not have a say in every situation. 

Who Is Surrogacy Right For? 

Surrogacy is a satisfying and joyful option for many. Couples who have struggled with infertility may choose surrogacy to get over these challenges. Same-sex couples who cannot conceive traditionally may use surrogacy to have their own biological children in an alternative way. Additionally, single people who wish to begin families of their own without a partner may see surrogacy as the best option in making this happen.

For any couple or individual interested in surrogacy as an option for parenthood, it’s important to dedicate real time and thought into the pros, the cons, and whether or not surrogacy is the best option for their family goals. For many, it provides the best experience in beginning or adding to a family outside of traditional conception.