Surrogacy Cost Abroad

Surrogacy, also known as surrogate motherhood, is an option for childbirth where a woman agrees to be the recipient of a fertilized egg. The egg may be her own, or it may come from a donor, but once she’s has been implanted with that egg, she then undertakes a normal pregnancy, watching her health, getting…


Surrogacy & Egg Donation Costs

Surrogate motherhood is not a fast or easy way for a hopeful family to bring a child into the world. But for some couples, this may be the only way have a child that still carries on the genetic characteristics of both a mother and a father, even when traditional childbirth methods aren’t safe, or…


Low-Cost Surrogacy

For most people, having a child is, one sense, “free.” The act of sexual intercourse normally doesn’t cost any money between a couple, and the process of a sperm being introduced to an egg, fertilizing it, and then attaching to a uterus to grow, over a period of nine months, also doesn’t technically cost any…
