The First Steps To Surrogacy

For many couples, parenthood is a dream that they struggle to bring into reality. Whether it’s medical issues during a pregnancy, fertility problems, or something else entirely, finally managing to conceive and have a child isn’t always easy for everyone. Thanks to modern medical science, surrogacy has come a long way and today it’s even…


How To Choose A Surrogacy Agency

Most people that decide to start a family will do so the conventional way, with one partner allowing herself to become pregnant, and then, nine months later, giving birth to a new baby that starts a whole new life as part of a family unit. For some people, unfortunately, medical circumstances prevent this from happening….


How To Find A Surrogate

Couples that have difficulties in naturally conceiving a child have a few options open to them if there’s still a hope to start a family. One age-old alternative is adoption, but some hopeful families wish to have a newborn that has some of the family traits of the couple themselves. Thanks to modern medical technology…


How To Choose A Surrogate Mother?

Surrogacy can be a difficult decision for any hopeful family to make, and it will often require more planning, time and especially investment, on the part of a family that wants to bring a newborn into the world. For some, especially for couples with serious medical hurdles, it may be the only way to safely…


How To Choose A Surrogate Mother

Choosing to find a surrogate mother is not normally the first choice for people that want to start a family. Ordinarily, most couples will try to conceive a child naturally, with the woman in the couple getting pregnant and carrying the baby herself for nine months until the time of birth arrives. However, for some…


Surrogacy—How Do We Start The Process?

When people are lucky enough to meet someone else that they’d like to spend the rest of their lives with, it may be a common step in most people’s lives, but that doesn’t take away from the magic of it. The same goes for the progression of two people together forever that now want to…


How To Choose A Surrogate For My Baby?

People who decide to use the surrogate motherhood alternative to have a child are usually doing so very specific reasons. There’s a strong desire to have a child that shares the genetic characteristics of the parents, but it may not be medically feasible to allow a child to gestate naturally within the mother. Or a…
