Surrogate Mother Legal Countries: Top Destinations For International Surrogacy

Starting a family is the dream for most people, but for some, the dream of having children quickly becomes a nightmare. Intending parents struggling with conception, whether from infertility, failed in vitro fertilization (IVF), or recurrent miscarriages, feel hopeless. Those who cannot access adoption or domestic surrogacy because of costs or restrictions on who can…


How Does A Surrogate Work?

For some couples, the unfortunate reality of their situation is that while they would like to start a family, the traditional approach of a woman becoming pregnant is off the table. This is typically due to factors beyond their control, such as a medical condition that would put both a woman and baby at risk,…


How Do You Find The Right Surrogate Mother?

We are now fortunate to live in a world where more people have options to make their dreams come true and start a family. In the past, the conventional route of a woman in a relationship allowing herself to become pregnant was the most common path. Today, however, even couples with serious medical considerations have…


What’s The Cost Of Surrogacy In Georgia?

Not every couple can start a family by having a pregnancy and celebrating the birth of a baby nine months later. Medical factors and other circumstances can sometimes make it inadvisable, or even impossible, to have a baby traditionally. Fortunately, surrogacy, where another woman agrees to become pregnant on behalf of a couple, and that…


What Are The Risks Associated With Surrogacy?

For many couples, the decision to work with a surrogate mother is taken out of a desire to reduce risk. For example, some women in relationships may have health problems, such as endometriosis or a heart condition, that would put both themselves and a growing baby at serious risk should they attempt a pregnancy. However,…


Legal & Ethical Aspects Of Surrogacy Abroad

Surrogacy, that is, the process of working with another woman to agree to become pregnant on behalf of another couple, is one of the oldest solutions in the world for couples with challenges in having a traditional pregnancy and birth. It’s so old, in fact, that it is even mentioned in the Bible as a…


Finding An Egg Donor Abroad Means Doing Research

Донорство яйцеклеток

Surrogacy is the solution for hopeful couples who would like to start a family together but have medical concerns that prevent traditional pregnancy. Surrogacy typically involves another woman agreeing to become pregnant on behalf of the hopeful family, and when the child is born, unites that newborn with the couple so they can go off…


Which Is The Right Surrogacy Agency For You?

Подбор сурмамы

For couples deciding to go the route of surrogate pregnancy, there’s already an awareness that many challenges are ahead. This is a choice typically made when the traditional pregnancy of the mother in the couple is unfeasible. Usually, that’s due to medical circumstances, such as a heart condition that would endanger both mother and child…
