Where Can You Find Affordable Surrogacy?

Законодательство разных стран по суррогатному материнству

Any couple deciding to start a family is likely aware that this will require a significant investment. The latest financial studies in the United States, for example, show that Americans will spend, on average, over $300,000 over the course of a child’s upbringing before they are old enough to pay their own way with a…


When Should Surrogacy Be Considered For A Couple?

One of the most natural things in the world for most couples is deciding to spend their lives together and letting that decision become the start of an entirely new life, as parents, in a family. For many people, this choice is both traditional and straightforward. A woman allows herself to become pregnant, and nine…


How Should You Prepare For Surrogacy Abroad?

Some couples may have medical or other circumstances that prevent starting a new life as a family through traditional childbirth. Surrogacy, however, is one alternative to getting over these obstacles. Surrogacy is when another woman who has been medically evaluated as suitable agrees to become pregnant on behalf of a hopeful couple. Once the pregnancy…


Tbilisi, Georgia: Affordable, High-Quality Surrogacy 

While it’s natural for many couples to decide to spend their lives together and start a family, the conventional route is not always available. For some, traditional pregnancy and childbirth may be either not medically advised or even no longer possible due to health or surgical considerations. For these couples, surrogacy is an alternative, where…


Legal & Ethical Aspects Of Surrogacy Abroad

Surrogacy, that is, the process of working with another woman to agree to become pregnant on behalf of another couple, is one of the oldest solutions in the world for couples with challenges in having a traditional pregnancy and birth. It’s so old, in fact, that it is even mentioned in the Bible as a…


Finding Your Surrogacy Clinic: A Checklist

Законодательство разных стран по донорству яйцеклеток

Deciding to move forward with a surrogate pregnancy means that a couple has already acknowledged that certain obstacles on the road to starting a family must be overcome. The first and biggest is not having the option of natural childbirth due to medical or surgical concerns. Surrogate pregnancy solves this issue, bringing in another medically…


What Can You Expect From The Surrogacy Process Abroad?

Законодательство разных стран по суррогатному материнству

For couples that have medical circumstances to consider, surrogacy is one more path to fulfilling the dream of starting a new family with a newborn baby of their very own. Surrogacy is the time-honored practice of another medically evaluated woman agreeing to become pregnant on behalf of an intended couple. Once the pregnancy is confirmed,…


Work With An Expert Like Stork Service In Georgia

It’s common for many couples to decide that wanting to spend their lives together also means a new phase, like starting a family. However, for some couples, the traditional route of the woman allowing herself to become pregnant isn’t an easy or achievable path. Some couples have major obstacles, such as deciding late in life…
