Information For Ovum Donors


RequirementsEvery young woman has a huge ovarian reserve – hundreds of thousands of ova that can mature and become suitable for fertilization. In the usual menstrual cycle only one ovum ripens. The procedure for removing a certain number of ova in no way affects the reproductive function of a woman. Becoming an ovum donor in the Stork Service surrogacy center, you can achieve a worthy goal – to help an infertile couple experience the joy of parenting.

General terms:

  • Age from 20 to 30 years
  • Presence of one or more children without deviations in health status
  • Pleasant appearance
  • Full awareness of the essence of the donation of oocytes
  • Capability

Medical conditions:

  • Absence of physical pathologies and hereditary diseases
  • A normal state of mental health, confirmed by the evaluation of a specialist
  • Lack of syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B and C, confirmed by the results of tests
  • Absence of infectious diseases that are transmitted sexually
  • The presence of a favorable hormonal background
  • Absence of pathologies of pelvic organs, confirmed by the results of ultrasound
  • Lack of lactation
  • Absence in the past or present of drug and alcohol dependence

Compliance with the conditions of participation in the donor program is checked through a comprehensive medical examination. Only after the completion of all analysis and evaluations will the specialists of the Stork Service center decide to add a woman to the database of donors of oocytes.


LegislationThe laws of Georgia allow the practice of ovum donation for use in in vitro fertilization and surrogacy programs. However, according to the law, a woman can not simultaneously be a surrogate mother and an ovum donor. Detailed information on the legal norms in this area can be found on the websites of the Parliament of Georgia and the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Protection.

When selecting candidates for oocyte donors, the Stork Service surrogacy center is guided by the requirements set forth in the legal acts of the country. The relationship between a donor and potential parents (customers) is governed by a contract detailing the rights and obligations of the parties, as well as force majeure circumstances.

Obligatory conditions for signing a contract on the part of the donor are that it is voluntary and that the donor has full awareness of the medical essence of the donation of oocytes. The woman deliberately agrees to the stimulation of the ovaries by means of hormonal preparations and the production of the ova with the help of puncture. The donor does not undertake the parental responsibility for the future child.

At the woman’s request, legislation provides anonymous donation. In such cases, the preservation of medical secrecy and full confidentiality of all medical procedures are guaranteed. In the case of the use of genetic material from an anonymous donor, the couple who are the customers receive general information about the phenotype and basic personality characteristics. We are talking about the following information: height, weight, color of hair and eyes, nationality, blood group and Rh factor, education.


GuaranteesThe agreement with the Stork Service surrogacy center provides ovum donors with the receipt of monetary compensation and remuneration, as well as protection of rights and interests in case of unforeseen circumstances. All expenses for medical examinations, hormonal stimulation and ova intake are compensated. Potential parents (oocyte customers) also pay additional costs for treatment if complications arise (for example, bleeding, damage to the bladder or other organs of the small pelvis, or an infection that develops as a result of puncture of the ovaries).

The donor is paid a fixed amount of remuneration, which is preliminarily indicated in the agreement with the Stork Service center. Donors are not deprived of compensation if the number of received ova does not match the expectations of the couple. If a woman participates in the donation program anonymously, she is provided with special guarantees regarding confidentiality. Potential biological parents are asked to sign a statement stating that they will not attempt to identify the donor’s identity in the future.


ContraindicationsDonation of ova is a serious medical procedure associated with the impact on the body of hormonal drugs and ovarian puncture. In order not to expose health to unjustified risks, a woman needs to become acquainted with the conditions of participation in the donation program that are set out on the website. To participate in the oocyte donation program of the Stork Service center, women are allowed only after a detailed medical examination. However, the candidates themselves should not withhold information, which in the future can increase health risks.

Basic list of contraindications:

  • Age is less than 18 years and more than 29 years
  • Lack of own children
  • Presence of children’s for hereditary and other serious diseases
  • Lactation (infant breastfeeding)
  • Presence on the ovary of a cyst or other benign / malignant formation
  • Polycystic ovary
  • Less than 10-12 months after passing the caesarean section
  • Acute inflammatory diseases of any location
  • The presence of hepatitis, HIV, TORCH infections
  • Adherence to bad habits, drug dependence
  • Serious disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, kidneys