Becoming a parent is a dream for countless people around the world. But sadly, there are occasions when it just doesn’t seem to be possible to do. No matter the reason that you struggle to have a child, there are solutions out there thanks to modern medicine. Using surrogacy agencies, for example, is an option that has helped millions and that could be perfect for you as well.
But many would-be parents do have questions about what surrogacy agencies do, how the process works, and how to ensure that they find the right one. Taking a closer look at surrogacy agencies can help you understand why so many others have turned to it and why it could be right for you as well.
The Basics Of Surrogacy Agencies
Surrogacy agencies are facilities that are designed to connect would be parents with the surrogate mother that will carry their child. They handle virtually every aspect of the process, making it as easy and straightforward as possible for everyone involved. Things that the agency does include:
- Handling all legal aspects of the surrogacy for the intended parents and the surrogate mother
- Harvesting of sperm, embryos, and other biological factors for the pregnancy
- Matching intended parents with the surrogate mother that is right for them
- The in-vitro fertilization of the surrogate mother
- Monitoring and providing treatment for mental and physical health to the surrogate throughout the pregnancy
- Arranging the birth with a clinic that works with the agency
- All post-birth legalities including the birth certificate, registering of the intended parents as the child’s parents, and more.
In short, when parents turn to surrogacy agencies they are able to relax and know that the entire process will be handled for them. Parents get the help and guidance they need and can actually look forward to the day that their child will be born and join their family.
Going International
For many, surrogacy agencies will have to be visited outside of their home country. International surrogacy agencies exist in countries where surrogacy has been deemed legal, and only a few countries currently offer full protection to parents. Some nations ban surrogacy outright while others have laws that can complicate things for the intended parents.
International surrogacy agencies exist to help ensure that intended parents go through the surrogacy process and end it with their child. These agencies will allow you to have a child through surrogacy and then handle the legal end of things for your home country.
With international surrogacy, intended parents travel to the country of the agency and go through the initial process of surrogacy. Many choose to stay throughout the entire pregnancy, but most will return to their home country for a period of time. Either way, the surrogacy agency will monitor the surrogate mother and ensure her health and wellbeing – and that of the child – through the pregnancy.
Upon birth, the birth certificates and all applicable forms are completed. Parents can usually see the child within its first hours of life and begin bonding with it. Upon release of the child from the hospital, all legal aspects of the surrogacy are usually completed and parents are able to return to their home country with their new child.
Why Surrogacy Agencies Matter So Much
Surrogacy agencies have a clear goal in mind – to give would-be parents the child they’ve always dreamed of. This can take work, and the agencies have a long history and plenty of experience in making these dreams come true.
Surrogacy agencies stand out as a good choice for several reasons. These include:
- They can offer a solution to parents who are in a location that doesn’t allow surrogacy
- They handle the entire, confusing process for all involved
- Parents can relax and know that their child is in good hands
- Simply put, surrogacy agencies make dreams come true for millions
With surrogacy agencies, there is a very strict process in place that leads to you having your child. This process includes all steps involved in the process:
- Signing of contracts
- Matching with the surrogate
- Harvesting of eggs and sperm
- Fertilization and IVF into surrogate mother
- Ongoing monitoring and care for the mother
- Delivery arrangements
- All post-birth legalities including birth certificates and more
Once the process begins, the surrogacy agency takes care of virtually everything and removes the stress from the shoulders of those involved. Mothers are cared for and parents have nothing to worry about as they wait for the exciting moment that their new child enters the world.
Surrogacy agencies are a good choice if you’ve struggled to make your dream of parenthood a reality, and with the right one on your side it can be easier than you think to finally become a parent. Thanks to increased technologies in the medical field and improved legal protections, it truly can be a lifechanging process for all involved.