When Should You Work With A Foreign Surrogacy Agency?


Couples who have decided to start families have always had the common path of following traditional methods. The woman in the relationship becomes pregnant. Once confirmed, the pregnancy is carefully monitored, and nine months later, a baby is born, and life together as a new family begins. Unfortunately, not everyone has this path laid out…


Why Work With Surrogacy Agencies Abroad?

Coordinating with surrogacy agencies abroad may seem unfamiliar or unnecessary for many people and businesses. After all, a surrogate pregnancy is a very personal thing between a couple and whatever agency they choose to work with if any. Why should others be a part of this process? The reality, however, is that sometimes the choice…


How Suppliers Can Work With Surrogacy Agencies

Подбор сурмамы

Surrogacy is an alternative process to having a child where a hopeful couple goes to another woman, and that woman agrees to become pregnant on their behalf. Nine months later, after the surrogate mother has carried the baby to term and given birth, she then unites that newborn with the hopeful couple, and a new…
