About Artificial Insemination

Getting pregnant and starting a new life together as a family is often one of the most significant decisions a couple can make. This is a choice with lifelong consequences and demands an enormous amount of time and financial investment. Some couples, unfortunately, face major challenges right at the very beginning with the attempt to…


Pros And Cons Of Artificial Insemination

When it comes to conception and childbirth, many assume that it’s just a simple, natural process. It really is a miracle, however. And for some it’s a miracle that doesn’t come easy. Those struggling with fertility problems may end up having to use in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination, and one of these procedures may…


Artificial Insemination Procedure

Infertility is an issue that affects far too many people. When it occurs, it can crush the dreams of those who have longed to have a child. And no matter the specifics of the issue, it is important that those who want to become parents understand all of their various options. Surrogacy is one option…


Artificial Insemination Process

Most couples that decide to spend the rest of their lives together and then start a family will do the traditional way. The woman becomes pregnant, carries a child to term for nine months, and then, when the time comes, gives birth to a new baby, and a new life begins together as a family….


About Artificial Insemination

The concept of surrogate motherhood is not a new one to human culture. Even western society has records that go back thousands of years of history showing that some couples would seek out another woman to willingly bear a child intended for that family. The Christian Bible itself uses surrogate motherhood as an example of…


History Of Surrogacy

Surrogate motherhood is a process that allows a family unable to have their own newborn child to engage the services of another woman for this purpose. That woman takes on the role of the surrogate mother, becomes pregnant, and, upon the safe birth of the child, unites that child with the parents who struck the…
