How To Find A Surrogate

Couples that have difficulties in naturally conceiving a child have a few options open to them if there’s still a hope to start a family. One age-old alternative is adoption, but some hopeful families wish to have a newborn that has some of the family traits of the couple themselves. Thanks to modern medical technology…


How To Choose A Surrogacy Agency

Choosing to start a family can, for some couples, be complex, challenging dream. While most couples around the world can simply allow a pregnancy to happen, then deliver a newborn nine months later, not everyone has this option. Some couples, for medical reasons, may be advised not to have a child, to protect the health…


Types Of Surrogacy

For some people, the dream of starting a family is as simple as making the decision and then allowing a pregnancy to occur for the mother, which results in a baby nine months later. For other couples, wanting to have a child and being able actually to do so is a big hurdle. There may…


About The Surrogacy Process

Plenty of couples around the world eventually decide that they want to take the next step and have a baby. For most, this is a simple process of the hopeful mother becoming pregnant, taking care of herself and the growing baby for nine months, and, when the time is right, giving birth. But for some…


Surrogacy Service Abroad

Many people around the world are fortunate enough to find the love of their life and want to spend the rest of their lives together. It’s pretty normal after that the establishment of a life-long relationship to want to take things to the next level and start a family together. However, for some, there are…


Surrogacy Process

For many couples, the traditional journey of life is one they will follow without any major obstacles. People will meet, fall in love, decide to spend the rest of their lives together and then, when they feel ready, decide to start a family with the mother conceiving a child, carrying it to term, and then…


Surrogacy Overseas

While it’s not unusual for couples that decide to spend their lives together to start a family, sometimes this decision can’t follow the traditional route. Most couples will, upon choosing to have a family, conceive a child, with the mother carrying that child to term in her uterus, until childbirth occurs, and the major task…


Surrogacy Facts & Myths

Choosing to go with a surrogate mother to have a child is usually not the first choice for couples wanting to start a family. In many cases, surrogacy is considered only after multiple failed attempts by a couple, or if the couple is advised that attempting a traditional pregnancy could endanger the mother, the child,…


Surrogacy Service For A Fair Price

There is nothing cheap about the decision to start a family. In fact, over the decades, rearing a newborn from infancy to young adulthood—and sometimes beyond—is often one of the most expensive undertakings a couple will ever engage in. But for most couples, the investment in a child starts after childbirth, with food, clothing, the…


Surrogacy Ethical Issues

In normal circumstances, there isn’t much in the way of an ethical discussion when it comes to starting a family and bringing a new life into the world. For many couples, childbirth is simply the next natural step in the progression of a relationship after marriage, and there’s little to debate about whether it’s the…
