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    Surrogacy Agencies In Georgia

    While some couples can take the traditional route of meeting, falling in love, and starting a family together by allowing the woman in the relationship to become pregnant, this isn’t always an easy or available route for other couples. Some women have been medically evaluated to be at risk if they undertake pregnancy, either harming…


    About Artificial Insemination

    The concept of surrogate motherhood is not a new one to human culture. Even western society has records that go back thousands of years of history showing that some couples would seek out another woman to willingly bear a child intended for that family. The Christian Bible itself uses surrogate motherhood as an example of…


    How Does Surrogacy Work?

    Parenthood. For many, it’s a dream that feels out of reach. While some people seem to have no problem at all when it comes to having children, others struggle for various reasons. Whether it is a same-sex couple who want to have a child of their own or a straight couple who struggle with infertility…


    How To Become A Surrogate In Georgia

    For years, surrogacy has given hope to those who thought that being parents was unattainable. Gay couples, infertile couples, and single people ready to become a parent all have used surrogacy to realize their dream of parenthood. And as technology continues to increase the rates of surrogacy success, it’s only going to continue to be…


    Surrogacy Success Rates Around The Globe

    Surrogacy. It’s something that can change the lives of men and women, giving those who are unable to have children an opportunity to become a parent. Whether there is an infertility issue, gay couples looking to become parents, or some other situation, surrogacy is a proven method of helping would-be parents realize their dream. But…


    Adoption Versus Surrogacy Pros And Cons

    The definition of a traditional family is changing in so many ways. One of them is the fact that those who were once unable to have children can now do so thanks to surrogacy. Adoption has long been a standard as well, and for many couples the choice comes down to these two options. Which…


    Surrogate Parents Rights

    Surrogacy has begun to play a bigger role in parenthood around the world. As technology and techniques continue to evolve, it has become very clear that surrogacy is now one of the best ways for couples that can’t conceive a child on their own to get help and become parents. But one of the biggest…


    The Pros And Cons Of Having A Surrogate Mother

    Being a parent is a huge step forward in many people’s lives. But if you want to have a child but are unable to do so for any reason, it can often feel as though that dream is something you’ll never realize. Adoption is one option, but surrogacy is another – and one that has…


    What Is Ethical Surrogacy?

    For couples who have struggled with infertility issues, surrogacy is a solution that offers a potential path to parenthood. But while it’s something that has helped many, there are still questions of ethics involved in surrogacy. Despite the entire process being very transparent, easy for all involved to understand, and being something that is agreed…


    A Closer Look At An International Surrogacy Agency

    For millions, being parents is a dream that they strive for. Whether it is an issue with infertility, same-sex couples looking to become parents, or something else entirely, some obstacles may stand in the way of that dream. But hope isn’t lost, and an international surrogacy agency could be the key to unlocking your dream…
