How To Choose An Ovum Donor

For some people that want to start a family, the traditional route of a man and a woman conceiving a child together is not always possible. Some women have medical conditions, such as heart disease, that may put them at too much risk while pregnant to safely carry a child. Other women have diseases, such…


How To Choose A Surrogate Mother

Choosing to find a surrogate mother is not normally the first choice for people that want to start a family. Ordinarily, most couples will try to conceive a child naturally, with the woman in the couple getting pregnant and carrying the baby herself for nine months until the time of birth arrives. However, for some…


What Is Male Infertility & How To Deal With It

Trying to conceive a child is, for some people, as simple a matter as just deciding to no longer use birth control and letting nature run its course, with sexual activity eventually leading to a pregnancy. But for some couples, they may make the surprising discovery that setting aside the birth control methods is not…


What Is Infertility & How To Deal With It

For the majority of people that come together around the world, life has a pretty predictable journey, even if the specific details vary. Regardless of race, religion, or economic class, many people will seek out another person that is right for them, and, upon finding that person, want to spend the rest of their lives…


Top Reasons People Choose Surrogacy

It’s both understandable and natural for people to seek each other out, and, upon finding someone they love, spend the rest of their lives together. It’s equally understandable and natural for those couples to eventually decide they would like to start a family and raise children. Sadly, it is not always as simple for some…


Surrogacy—How Do We Start The Process?

When people are lucky enough to meet someone else that they’d like to spend the rest of their lives with, it may be a common step in most people’s lives, but that doesn’t take away from the magic of it. The same goes for the progression of two people together forever that now want to…


Surrogacy In Tbilisi Georgia

Surrogacy is the process where a woman agrees to receive a fertilized egg, thus becoming pregnant, and carrying that baby to term. Nine months later, the baby is born, but at this point, the baby is now united with his or her hopeful parents, a couple a who wanted to have a child of their…


Surrogacy Forum

We now live in an age where people can have an active and complicated “digital life” that is, at times far more robust and engaging than the “real one” that we all share. While it’s true that many of us still wake up, eat breakfast, and then go to a place of work, where we…


Where Is Best To Do Surrogacy?

For couples that wish to have a child, but have come across some serious complications—medical or otherwise—to a natural childbirth, there are some big challenges. The most common and traditional method of starting a family is for a couple to allow the woman to get pregnant, nurture a developing baby, and give birth nine months…
